
Modern Day Slavery Essay

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Human Trafficking: The Modern Day Slavery of the World
Social injustices are an unfortunate part of the world that we live in; it seems that when one injustice has been eliminated, another in this case human trafficking comes to light. Around 1807, the transatlantic slave trade was abolished however, a new type of slavery, human trafficking, is taking over as the slavery of the 21st century. Unlike the transatlantic or ancient slave trade as it is referred because modern day slavery is not limited to only a few countries. This injustice is widespread; it is happening trans continentally (Elechi & Ngwe, 2012).
Human trafficking has been emerging as a global issue since the mid-90s and were the second largest fast growing criminal industry” (Moser, 2012). There are children selling items on the street, or digging in dumps to find recyclables. Women being brought to America to work as nannies, or maids and men to work in the fields and with contractors, even though this may appear as normal there is often time more to the story of why they are here than meets the eye.
There are several major differences between human trafficking and the ancient slave trade. Three of the major ones are, first it costs very little to purchase a slave; some are purchased for ten U.S. dollars. In the past slaves were purchased and owned for life; in the …show more content…

In the year 2000, the trafficking victim protection act (TVPA) was passed by the U.S. Congress. This law “ criminalizes the forced or deceptive movement of people into exploitative conditions of labor and provides services to victims. This law makes a symbolic distinction (although it holds no legal meaning) between “sex” and “non-sex” trafficking” (Peters, 2013). At the same time in the international community, the Trafficking Protocol was adopted. This protocol

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