
Module 2 Introduction To Psychology Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Journal 2: Introduction to Psychology
Before coming into this class, I thought that psychology was working with children and see how they act, but I did not think further that psychology was more than that. So far what I have learned in this class is that Psychology is a scientific study of the mind. The word psychology has two parts. The first one is Psyche it means soul, and the other word is Ology it means the study of. Psychology does show us how children behave but it’s not all to it. I am not majoring in psychology it’s a requirement for my degree, but it will help me later on because I want to be a teacher. This class will help me observe how children act o behave and to see if they are struggling with something in particular. Even if this class …show more content…

I am not going to say a summary, but when I was reading chapter 1 of the book, something that interested me was I reading about the 1st person to be referred as a psychologist. His goal of psychology was to identify components of consciousness and how they both combined with each other. They would do experiment to examine their own consciousness. There were many people that were in psychology and do experiments. Also, what I found interesting was the skinner box. The skinner box is chamber that isolates the subject from the external environment and has a behavior indicator such as a lever or a button. With this box they use an animal, and whenever the animal pushes the button or the lever it sends a message of positive reinforcement of the behavior either if its food or punishment. I read this and was amazed with it. I never thought of taking this class or was interesting taking this class. Whenever I would hear the word psychology nothing really came up to me or I would not really pay attention to it. I would say this class its hard and I won’t be able to pass or be able to do it. Now that I am in the class I feel and I know I will pass. It will get hard with the other

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