
Monitoring Of Competitors Come Into Play At The Grand Scheme Of An Seo Campaign?

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At what stage does ongoing active monitoring of competitors come into play in the grand scheme of an SEO campaign?
The digital world can be pretty cutthroat. It’s not enough to simply be aware of who your competitors are, you also need to be aware of what they’re doing and how they’re doing it. Not only will this help you to stay competitive, you can critically evaluate what works and what doesn’t – without needing to take a trial and error approach with your own content.
While the prospect of corporate espionage might sound like the obvious way to get the scoop, there are easier ways to find the information you need than stalking a rival SEO Manager.
The magpie approach – borrow your way to a better SEO strategy
SEO is a mixture of attracting customers and outdoing your competitors. It’s best to assume that your competitors are doing at least as much as you are when it comes to SEO strategy. Gaining an in-depth understanding of what your rivals are doing will help you work out why they’re doing it, why it’s working for them and how you’ll be able to emulate or improve their tactics.
It’s not about copying; it’s simply about seeing why customers are choosing a competitor’s products or services over your own. If you’ve ever wondered why you can’t get that critical lead on your rivals, then monitoring is an essential part of strengthening your SEO strategy.
Want to be on top?
Now you’ve decided to begin performing competitor analysis it’s time to learn the best tools in the

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