
Monsanto Pros And Cons

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Genetically modified organism are not a rare sight in the United States. Genetically modified organism, otherwise known as GMOs, are everywhere, from our foods to our clothes. Genetically modified organism is simply any organism whose genetic material has been altered. In recent years, many people have written off GMOs as a harmful component, as supermarkets will often market their products as GMO free or non-GMO labeling. These products are often more expensive than its GMO equivalent. The United States is one of the leading countries that are producing GMOs, the European Union has decided to ban GMOs from production in their countries(Clive James ISAAA). It would be good to clear up one thing about GMOs first, GMOs are not a recent discovery. …show more content…

Monsanto one of the leading companies of GMOs has recently placed ads on television for people to get educated about GMOs. For many people, GMOs stand in a gray area, as many do not have the background or do not fully understand what constitutes a GMO. According to a Pew survey approximately 88% of scientists believe that GM foods, like corn, soy, canola, and beets, are safe to consume. Although a majority of scientists believe that GM foods are safe for consumption only 37% of the general public believe that GM foods are safe(Lee Raine, Public and Scientists’ Views on Science and Society, Pew Research Center). Creating a gap of more than 50% between the two groups. In a short survey done at San Francisco State, we have found that four out of twelve people believe that GMOs are harmful, with the remaining eight believing that it is either harmless or unsure about its effects (Chen, Eric. “GMO Effects” Survey.). This shows that a lack of education is not the reason why people believe whether or not GMOs are harmful. When asked about their reasoning, answers were mixed. Some believed that GMOs contained chemicals that should not be consumed while other believed that the risk factor is minimal. There are many reasons why people believe what they believe about GMOs. Claire Marris discusses many of these reasons in ``Public Views on GMOs: Deconstructing the Myths.``, One of the points was that some people did not have the knowledge to understand GMOs, but they are aware of their own lack of understanding, ``participants were conscious of this technical ignorance…``. But the main point in Marris’ article is that they are not necessary wrong. Some people showed concerns about the safety of consuming GMOs, ``the principal concern expressed about GMOs were not based on erroneous information…``. Meaning that people that are anti-GMO are so because they believe that there could be any

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