
Monsanto Research Paper

Decent Essays

Yesterday I finally finish watching the food Inc. I started watching this film before Thanksgiving break but was not able to get back to viewing the film until yesterday. This film was available on Netflix. When the film started I like what is this a documentary? But as I watched the film, it became of interest to me due this is the type of film you must actively listen to the dialoged, while watching.
I had stopped the film several times, first to understand what was being said by the farmer who has disgusted his voice above a whisper, second to see the Perdue chicken farms in Kentucky, Smithfield farms slaughter house in North Carolina. Disturbing on how those companies treat their workers and animals.
We saw what a coli outbreak does and …show more content…

Then the farmer winds settling out of court to keep from being bankrupt by Monsanto. Is Monsanto the seed enforce? Shame on Monsanto!!
What irradiates me as we the public allow Monsanto to be very tight fisted and be the bully regarding patent infringement. We have colgoison regarding our government leaders with Monsanto: Clarence Thomas former attorney for Monsanto now US supreme court judge for life, Donald Rumsfeld goes from being CEO of Searle (owned by Monsanto) to U.S. Secretary of State, John Ashcroft NC state senator large amounts of donations to his campaign. How does Robert Shapiro go from CEO of Monsanto to President Clinton’s advisory board?
I did like the one farmer who everything on his farm, slaughter his own chickens by hand, did not use feed with antibiotics, free range animals. I told his prices where then the supermarket but his produce and meat products were

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