
Moral Responsibility and Its Impact Upon Community Essay

Decent Essays

Moral Responsibility and Its Impact Upon Community

In every religion there is a distinctive understanding of value and duty, of right and wrong, and of good and bad. Modern Christianity is no exception and believes in each of these things. Christians know there is only one God and he created and rules over all things. They know that it is through Gods grace and love that we may have eternal life. That love and grace does not come without a price. The price is a life that is lived for God. It carries with it certain ethical and moral responsibilities to the community and all mankind. Those moral and ethical responsibilities are the backbone for society.
In Christianity, Christ is central in atoning for the sins of mankind. He …show more content…

Man acts on the basis of his relationship with God.
In the area of values and ethics we, the Christian people, contribute monumentally to humanity. As Christians we are aware of the idea of our responsibility to society and the world. We serve as the collective conscience of the community. Historically Christians have always been very giving of both their self and money to those in need. When some one is in distress physical or otherwise we have an obligation as Christians to help them. The Bible mandates this positive behavior. People accept the authority of the Bible because it is a historical record of God’s self-disclosure. Leviticus 19:18 “You shall love your neighbor as yourself ”. Many people would say, “I am a good person, I don’t hurt anyone”. That is not the Christian understanding of a “good person”. Being a good person requires one to take an active stance, not to content oneself with merely avoiding evil. You are either part of the problem or part of the solution. Christianity teaches that you are responsible to the world. You are a caretaker and if there is a problem you have to do something about it. The humane values of the bible are the basis for this idea of social welfare. Gal 6:2 “Bear one another’s burdens, and thus fulfill the law of Christ”. We as Christians do these things because it is God’s will.
Righteousness comes from obedience to the will of God. The Old Testament speaks of morality as being legalistic. God’s

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