
Morse Code : Is It Kind Of A Lost Trade? Essay

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In 1836, long before phones, and before technology had the ability to transmit actual voices from one place to another, a series of dit’s and dahs were used to communicate. Samuel F. B. Morse, along with his colleagues Joseph Henry and Alfred Vail, created what is widely known today as Morse code (Why was Morse code Invented, 2014). The high frequency sound that different dits and dahs made was transmitted through radio signals. At the other end of the message was a receiver, whose job it was to match those dits and dahs to the corresponding alphabetical letter or number, in order to decode the message being sent. Although due to its lack of use today, Morse code deciphering has become sort of a lost trade. Today, there is an array of different ways to learn Morse code. In general, almost all individuals prefer to learn in very different ways. Whether that is visual, kinesthetic, or auditory, learning can take a unique form for everyone. Because of the uniqueness among learners, it can be difficult to pinpoint one specific way of learning something as intricate as Morse code. Some people are visual and memorization learners, while others prefer a more hands-on approach. Overall, Morse code is a very specific code to learn; one small mistake and the entire message could be changed entirely. Determining what method is most effectively used to learn Morse code could be crucial in the correct decoding of potentially important messages.
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