
Most Effective Way To Cure Skin Cancer

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One in five Americans will develop skin cancer in the course of a lifetime.There are over 100 types of cancers 2016.Over the past 30 years skin cancer has outranked every other cancer known to man. There is no cure for skin cancer yet there are effective ways to cure skin cancer. Skin cancer is when cells in a body part begin to grow rapidly and crowd out other normal cells. The most solemn form of skin cancer is melanoma cancer. Melanoma accounts for less than one percent of skin cancer cases, but the vast majority of skin cancer deaths. The most effective ways to cure skin cancer since 2009 are surgery,chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. (2015 American Academy of Dermatology)

Every 52 minutes a person dies from skin cancer and over 80,000 cases of Melanoma cancer are treated yearly.There are three major Skin Cancer diagnoses: Basal cell skin cancer,Melanomas, and Squamous. Each and every one of these types of cancers develop in your cells. Skin cancer develops more on the part of skin that is exposed more to the UV rays. Skin cancer can occur to anyone no matter the skin color,but people of a lighter skin complexion and who sunburn easier has a higher risk of developing skin cancer. The most effective way to cure skin cancer is removal therapy. This process is when the doctor uses equipment (knife) to …show more content…

Melanoma is the most frequent form of cancer for adults between the ages of 25 through the age of 29 years old. Melanoma cancer and any type of cancer occurs in young adults since the lack of physical activity ,smoking, overweight, and too much exposure to UV rays.Melanoma cancer develops in pigment cells called melanocytes.Melanoma cancer is the vast majority of skin cancer deaths and accounts for less than one percent of skin cancer cases.If a person has more than five sunburns they are at a higher risk of developing Melanoma cancer than an average

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