Most industries today have already realized the necessity of incorporating CSR into their business strategies and the necessity to nurture and include all the relevant stakeholders in their growth stories. India has a long tradition of patriarchal philanthropy. The concept of helping the poor and disadvantaged was cited in several ancient literatures. In the pre-industrialization period philanthropy, religion and charity were the key drivers of CSR. The term CSR itself came into common use in the early 1970s. The last decade of the twentieth century witnessed a shift in focus from charity and traditional philanthropy toward more direct engagement of business in mainstream development and concern for disadvantaged groups in the society. In …show more content…
To move from a developing Nation to a developed Nation an overall growth of the Society is critical. For a balanced and inclusive economic growth, it is essential for an economy to focus on the base of the pyramid; this focus makes it imperative for India as a country to develop a robust “Ecosystem” for economic and industrial development. Therefore, now is the time to balance the act between “socially-linked-inclusive-economic and industrial growth,” to reduce the disparity between the two categories of our society and thereby contributing to the development of the Nation. In the last decade, CSR has rapidly evolved in India with some companies focusing on strategic CSR initiatives to contribute toward nation building. Gradually, the companies in India started focusing on need-based initiatives aligned with the national priorities such as public health, education, livelihoods, water conservation and natural resource management. Intensive national level deliberations on the potential role and responsibility of the corporate sector in contributing toward addressing social issues were witnessed in the last decade. In the last five years, the Government of India has also enhanced its focus on persuading companies to participate in addressing social and developmental issues, not only as a part of their
The use of CSR as a discipline has its foundation on past centuries, when some kind of social awareness was practiced by companies at the time, nevertheless most authors concur that from the 1960’s onwards, the developmental pace of the subject increase considerably and it became the real basis in which CSR stands in current times, each of the last five decades has played an important role for the discipline, especially the 1990’s decade when general social
CSR is become more important in this society. Business activities will influence the sustainable development and played a centre role in the sustainable development. Business should focus on the world trend and being responsible because it’s important to lead a business to success as “competitive conditions
The organization’s strategy plan for any gaps in social responsibility that might be potential risks to internal and external stakeholders is challenging, but this company certainly does not allow for corruption. On April 1 “India has become the only country in the world with legislated corporate social responsibility (CSR) and a spending threshold of up to $2.5 billion (Rs 15,000
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is something that affects all companies and should be an active factor in the company’s decision making. It is something all corporations need to care about. CSR is when business’ or corporations take part in an initiative or campaign for a cause that will benefit society and/or in some way make the world a better place (Taylor, 2015). Initially, Corporate Social Responsibility started to take shape around the 1950’s, but some say that it dates all the way back to the 1800s, the idea of CSR was seen (Carroll, 2007). One may think that because it is dated so long ago, it doesn’t have an important impact today nevertheless, it is proven that Corporate Social Responsibility is a pathway for entities to self benefit as they are in the process of benefitting society.
This article is study of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and sustainability. It mainly speaks about the origin and the operations of CSR programs in the United States of America from the 1980’s.
Therefore, corporate’ activities have strong influences to the stakeholders. Hildebrand,D,et,al (2011) argued that under a specific but identifiable situation, a company’s CSR actions are able to satisfy stakeholders’ higher-order and self-related demand, meanwhile enabling the stakeholders to identify with the company. On the other hand, Piercy, N. and Lane, N.(2009) indicated that CSR seems to be the most efficient way for the corporate marketing efforts of most firms. It may enable the stakeholders to be loyal even life-long customers of the companies.
In the second phase Indian CSR (1914-1960) was dominated by the country’s struggle for freedom and Gandhi’s theory of trusteeship influenced it fundamentally. The aim of which was consolidation and amplification of social development. During the whole period of struggle for freedom, Indian businesses proactively engaged in the process of reformation. Not only did firms see the country’s economic development as a protest against colonial rule, they also participated in its institutional and social development (India Partnership Forum 2002, 11). The vision of a free and modern India stimulated the involvement of corporate sector.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is a form of self regulation integrated into the business model of organizations. Organizations have responsibility for the impact of their activities on the society, environment, employees and members of the public sphere which cannot be denied. The progress of the concept of CSR is elevating to the highest pedestal of importance in all aspects of production and business both private and public.CSR is a much known concept in present world and many corporate giants are conversant with it as it provides better synergy returns to the business. Moreover CSR is becoming a very important activity to organizations nationally as well as internationally. The increase in globalization has given birth to large corporations which serve as global providers and have recognised the importance and benefits of providing CSR programs hence CSR activities are now being undertaken throughout the globe. The rationale for CSR is stated in number of ways its core is about building sustainable businesses with healthy communities, markets and economies which again necessitates carrying out CSR activities. The government has declared it compulsory for organizations to be socially responsible (chakraborty 2010).Non government organizations (NGO) are
The above discussion has shown the importance of corporate social responsibility for a company. There are many challenges which multinational firms face while fulfilling their corporate social responsibilities especially in developing countries. Griffin and Pustay (2007) assert that CSR requires engagement with internal and external stakeholders so it enables enterprises to anticipate better and take advantage of fast-changing expectations in society as well as operating conditions. This means it can also act as a driver for the development of new markets and create real opportunities for growth (Van Tulder and Kolk 2001).
The prime objective of the government in enacting CSR activities in legislation was to guide the Indian corporate sector to synergize the Corporate, Governments, Civil Society Organizations, Academic Institutions and Social
With the expanding globalization and persistent ecological issues, role of CSR has been redefined and aims to broaden the societal context within which it operates. CSR acts as a commitment for attaining inclusivity and community development in order to reflect a positive impact on the society. In an increasingly fast-paced global economy, CSR acts as enabler and driving force in order to attain sustained growth where markets, communities and the organizations can perform well together so to gain better access in making decisions and maximize the growth . Inclusiveness not only helps in increasing the growth rate of the economy but, it boosts the productivity and employment opportunities with sustainable long-term progress. In the age of stiff competitive market environment there is a growing consensus in the minds of the individuals to contribute towards the betterment of the society and take keen interest in adopting sustainable business policies. With the enormous potential of fulfilling the expectations we need more investments in human capital and the relation-building between the stakeholders and the society. Inclusivity and Sustainability, the two very concepts are multi-dimensional in nature which leads to positive health outcomes, access to higher education, improved standards of living, development of skills,
The CSR concept appears from the 1960s in the literature on business but took off only from 1990
CSR at Tata motors is underpinned by ‘More from Less for More people’ philosophy which implies achieving greater outcomes by judicious investment and utilization of resources. Tata motors believes in assisting in the improvement of quality of life of people belonging to local areas around the operations. They want to strive for sustainable development and accelerated inclusive growth. Tata motors has identified 4 thrust areas for its CSR activities. They are:
Keeping in mind its leadership position that it continues to maintain particularly within the chemical and consumer product markets, the stand that GIL (Godrej Industries Ltd.) holds on the CSR initiative within India is assumedly expected to affect the trend for CSR initiatives not only among smaller companies in the same or related industries but also the CSR initiatives among SMEs that receive investments through the parent Godrej
We all have responsibilities. It begins with taking care of one’s favorite toys as a child and it grows to encompass more significant aspects of one’s life. The decisions we make, the steps we take and the words we speak are vital elements of our responsibilities. It is a matter of considering the interests of others besides your own. This is the core value of being responsible. The same concept is applicable to corporations and businesses. In other words, businesses are expected to make wise actions when providing services and promoting their company. Over a series of years, Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been one of the most debated topics in the business world affecting us dramatically. That is because CSR went through different ranges of acceptability from denial to conformity in its significant goals. Hundreds of texts were published to draw attention to the major beneficial impacts of CSR to society. The text I chose addresses that businesses need to understand that they advance by lifting others. Businesses are not participating enough to give a helping hand to society. There should be an emphasis on how CSR is grounded in the reality of taking small but efficient steps to reach greater changes. Corporate Social Responsibility is the mission that equally combines three interconnected aspects of society to accomplish a successful transformation from local impacts to global changes. CSR is not an