
Motor Coordination And Emotional Behavioral Problems

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Developmental Psychology

Developmental Psychology
Cairney, J., Veldhuizen, S., & Szatmari, P. (2010). Motor coordination and emotional-behavioral problems in children. Current Opinion in Psychiatry, 23(4), 324-329. The authors did not conduct any primary research but relied on literature review of other peer-reviewed journal articles. The relevance of this article to the research is that it has a focus on the attachment theory and discusses the significance of emotionally meaningful, intimate and open relationships between children and parents. The researchers show that children exhibit sensitivity towards the circumstances under which the distress takes place and the responses they exhibited towards distress cues are not automatically compassionate. Ideally, they have the capacity to assess the context in which the distress takes place and adjust their compassion responses (Cairney, Veldhuizen & Szatmari, 2010). This view is in agreement with the reviewed article from Week 2 because it also explores the Constructivism theory that portrays psychological development as a continuous process.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (2015). Child development: Preschoolers (3- 5 years of age). Retrieved from This article was researched and published by a reputable organization. It acknowledges the significance of parents continually evaluating their children

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