
Movie Review Essay Milk

Decent Essays

Courtney Thomas
Professor Richard Primuth
MW 2:00-3:20
Movie Review Essay
September 5, 2012
Milk’s Story Told Right

The 2008 film Milk is based on a true story about a political leader who desired to see a change in America, specifically the freedom of choice and speech towards homosexuals. The motion picture takes place after Harvey Milk’s 40th birthday and captures the rest of his life as he strives to convince America to let the gay community out of the closet. The movie portrays the historical activist very well, including the surrounding characters as well as the actual events that took place during his time in office. The film was very accurate in representing Harvey Milk correctly. In the movie, Milk was depicted as a …show more content…

Josh Brolin, the actor who played White, embodied the character in a way that the audience could understand. During the film, the audience can see that Harvey Milk and George Moscone developed a political relationship. Shortly after Dan White resigned his seat from the Board of Supervisors, Milk convinced Mayor Moscone that he would have a greater chance at being reelected mayor without White on the Board. Mayor George Moscone trusted Milk in this political judgment call. When the climactic scene of the two assassinations comes, the film depicts it accurately. After entering San Francisco’s City Hall from another entrance to elude the metal detectors, White went to Moscone’s office to plead for his reemployment. When Moscone denied him the occupation, White shot and killed him. Later in the same hour, White went to Milk’s office and killed him as well. The film certainly displayed this scene accurately.
Actor Sean Penn also delivered an outstanding performance playing the main character Harvey Milk. From the beginning to the end, Penn gave a believable presentation. In the film, Milk starts a camera business which then becomes a salon for homosexuals. While noticing that his surroundings are less than approving of the gay community, Milk decides to be a voice for those who are, metaphorically speaking, trapped behind closet doors. In 1977, Milk was elected to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Being in a place of power, Milk used this

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