Attempt CC =1 CM was unable to reach Mr. Megaro (caregiver) in regards to a follow-up on Jason (youth). CM left Mr. Megaro a detailed message inquiring about Jason’s location. CM noted if CM does not meet with the family including youth by 4/30/17, then, youth will unsuccessfully transition with CMO. CM requested to be contacted. CM will follow-up with the 2nd no contact letter.
This officer has had contact via face to face and phone with the mother, Ms. Evelyn Edwards. Discussions have taken place with her regarding Marquel’s Comprehensive Re-Entry Case Plan. She has participated in a video conference with Marquel since his commitment. She is aware of his placement in the Virginia Beach CPP Program. She has not visited him at the facility, but she has had contact with him via phone. She is currently unemployed. Upon Marquel’s release from DJJ, the anticipated parole plan (CRCP) will be for him to return to her home with intensive supportive services via 294 funding. Additionally, in the event this placement is no longer available, an alternative placement will be sought via 294 funding for a group home placement or
CM emailed Andrea Orlando (Daytop Program Coordinator) a copy of Dre’quan’s (youth) updated biopsychosocial (BPS) and court order. Ms. Orlando reported the clinical director will review youth’s documents and will determine admission date. Ms. Orlando will continue to keep CM updated regarding youth’s status. CM provided CM’s contact information.
CM spoke to Theresa (FSO partner) regarding FSO services for the family. CM informed FSO partner that the family is interested in FSO services and the scheduled 30-Day CFT meeting is on 12/12/16 at 3:30pm in the family’s home. FSO partner reported that she would not be able to attend today’s meeting due to a schedule conflict and I she will try to get someone to cover the meeting.
CM spoke to Sergio Paredes, CMO Court Liaison regarding an update on Dre’quan (youth) OOH treatment status. CM informed Mr. Paredes that the Clinical Director at Daytop is still reviewing the referral documents and Daytop have not contacted CM regarding an update on youth’s status yet. Mr. Paredes provided CM with Honoria Forte (Youth’s Attorney) for CM to follow-up with attorney regarding this matter.
CM Gilmore arrived at the home at 6:30 p.m. to address the allegations in the report regarding the serious injury. BFA Sean Morgan greeted me and officer at the door. CM Gilmore explained the purpose of the visit. Present at all were all children that reside in the home (Rocco Morgan-5/250/2016, Journey Morgan-6/3/2015, and Braedyn Morgan-12/11/2006). All children were playing in the living room watching cartoon when we entered the home. CM Gilmore observed Bfa had recently cooked dinner.
UCM:CPSW received a text from Morgan (Fits) reporting that she has received the referral from Amanda and that she is available on Monday's and Friday's at 11-1pm. Amanda will start on 1/28/17 at 11am Brookdale location. Also, CPSW called foster parent and Amanda about Monday appointment and that Morgan will contact them regarding supervisied visit. Goal 1-2
SOCIAL SUPPORT UPDATE: Client reported she wasn’t feeling well. She has bronchitis and takes prescribed medication. CM inquires if the client got in touch with her children and sister. Client replies “her children live in Florida and she doesn’t know the whereabouts of her sister. She also reported no community support.
I: CM guided client through ISP goals. CM inquired about updates related to the client’s housing goals. CM used open ended questions to inquired about the client most recent drug use. CM reminded client that starting Monday the 2nd he would have to meet with CCM for weekly case management going forward. CM continued to assess for PTSD symptoms, substance abuse, and medication compliance.
CM contacted Mrs. Megaro & Mr. Megaro (caregivers) to inform them that Jason (youth) has successfully transitioned to Hunterdon Youth Services Group Home as of today, 3/2/17. CM provided caregiver with Monica Guzman (Hunterdon Group Home- Assistant Executive Director) contact information.
CM received an email from Monica Guzman (Hunterdon Group Home- Assistant Executive Director) with carbon copy, Meghan Kelley (therapist at EMYL) regarding a scheduled transition date. CM was informed that Hunterdon Youth Services is ready to admit Jason (youth) on Thursday, 3/2/17 at 3:00pm. CM confirmed and will transport youth to Group Home. Ms. Guzman reported that the following documents are outstanding; school transfer card, psychiatric evaluation (within 1 year), updated physical form, and IEP/school records. CM stated that she will fax the IEP/School records to Ms. Guzman. CM will follow-up with Kerry Lopez (Child Study Team) regarding school transfer card.
CM spoke to Kelly (Case Manager) and Alexia (youth) via phone conference in regards to a follow-up on youth. CM was informed that youth was able to remove her braces and has been rebuilding her relationship with caregiver. Youth is willing to reside with caregiver after completing program. The team discussed after care services for youth; the team rescheduled CFT meeting for Wednesday, 8/16/17 at 12:00pm to discuss transition plan, in-home services and education needs.
Supervisor Comments: This writer met with Cherron to address services due by counselor and reminded the Cherron about submitting his services by staff by day every week on Friday, of which Cherron have been doing. Cherron is still behind on his treatment; however, he was able to update this writer about the status of where he is with getting current with his work. Based on the services due provided from Cherron, Cherron is in need of 5 patient signatures and few was already submitted to the Clinical Director, but pending. This writer offered to help Cherron if he is in need to obtained the patient signature.
Mr Bryan, a senior nurse, had alerted the care home’s management and the CQC on several occasions, but his concerns failed to be followed up.
CM spoke to Kiara Gelin (youth) regarding a follow-up on services. Youth reported she continues to attend the Partial Hospitalization program at the Jersey City Medical Center. CM was informed that youth stopped attending the TASC program due to time conflict and youth will resume the program in September. CM and youth disused employment; youth had a job interview at Wendy’s, Fast food restaurant. CM encouraged youth to apply at local jobs in the mall, CM verbally provided youth with a list of jobs that are hiring in the community. CM inquired about the Cook, Eat and Talk program. Youth reported the family will follow-up with the program once the family phone is working. CM agreed. CM and youth discussed mentor
UCM: CPSW received a call from Ms. Messerli reporting that she needs the lock number for her storage from foster provider family. She also stated that she needs the boy's cell phone back. CPSW reminded Ms. Messerli that this writer will ask the foster provider about the phone and storage numbers. CPSW reminded Ms. Messerli to focus on her recovery and not to disrupt her children as well as the foster provider and if she needs anyting to let the CPSW aware of it. Also, CPSW reminded Ms. Messerli not to contact or call both children until the theripist approves it. Ms. Messerli stated that she will try. Howerver, Ms Messerli sounded unhappy and really upset about not contacting her children Nick and Alexander.