
Mulholland Alternate Ending

Decent Essays

“I suppose he left fairly recently,” Billy said. He was still puzzling his head about the two names. He was positive now that he had seen them in the newspapers-in the headlines. “Left?” she said, arching her brows. “But my dear boy, he never left. He’s still here. Mr. Temple is also here. They’re on the fourth floor, both of them together.” Billy set his cup down slowly on the table and stared at his landlady. She smiled back at him, and then she put out one of her white hands and patted him comfortingly on the knee. “How old are you, my dear?” she asked. “ Seventeen.” “Seventeen!” she cried. “Oh, it’s the perfect age! Mr. Mulholland was also seventeen. But I think he was a trifle shorter than you are”… A strange look began to pass through Billy’s face. His eyes glistened as he stared at her and whispered, “I was not seventeen. I was only 15 years old when you first met me. Got me to trust you and then took my life.” …show more content…

Christopher Mulholland. The Landlady began to back up with a look of pure terror on her face. “Why did you pick me, Landlady? What did I ever do to you? You don’t have the right to do this to people!” As Mr. Mulholland was yelling, a booming sound came from his lips, “I was twenty eight and had a wife and two kids waiting for me in London.” Christopher’s face began to shimmer again and Gregory Temple showed, watching the Landlady with red bloodshot eyes. “You can’t do this anymore,” Slowly Mr. Temple walked toward the front door, turned off the lights and took down the Bed and Breakfast sign. The green velvet curtains began to shake as both of the men’s voices began to shout, “You are a monster! Not one person will set foot in this place again and no one… no one will ever lose their life to you

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