
Murder Case Analysis

Decent Essays

“Why would someone want to hurt her?” her family cried in pain. Making their way around the community, the detectives were still on the hunt to solve the crime one day after the murder. They questioned other friends and neighbors, and because it was Sunday, they waited until church ended and questioned church members. But they kept getting the same information; she had no known enemies, everyone loved her, and she would give you the shirt off of her back. Coates, who’d been a detective for five years, had heard those words far too many times and she learned that they did not apply to every victim. And something definitely was not adding up. Something was missing. A word, a piece of evidence, a clue were out of place, or perhaps a person …show more content…

They also learned that the estimated time of death was between 3 and 7 pm, the day before she was discovered. After getting the news, Coates and Akiona spent hours on the phone. The new information gave their investigation new momentum. They needed to do follow-ups and they had one main person in mind, the person who’d left their DNA behind. “Yes, can I speak to ah… Mr. Stephen Deal?” Coates heard the person on the phone called out for Stephen Deal. Akiona got up and sat on her desk. “Hello?” “Yes, is this Stephen Davis?” “Yes, it is. Who’s asking?” Reno’s supervisor had taken the day off due to sickness when they went to speak to him and they were not told when he would return. Coates was glad to have him on the phone to clear up some poking questions. She hung up and leaned back in her seat. “Well, the supervisor doesn’t know much. He said Reno works from 9 am to 5 pm for a small vending company in the shipping department. According to him, Reno works hard, doesn’t miss many days and he’s never been written up. He said he gets along with everyone.” “What about cameras?” Akiona asked. “None on site. We need to take a trip to his job to see if he could come and go without being noticed.” “While we're out, we might as well check on some of these other alibis. Especially Reno’s cousin. I just left him another message, but I don’t expect that he’ll return my call.” “Okay, can you give me a few?” “Yeah, I have to visit the john, I gotta drain

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