
Music And Music Education In The 19th Century

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Music Education Music education dates back to when colonies taught singing for church activities. In the 18th century, the first singing school was made in Boston, Massachusetts for the purposes of improving singing and music reading for the church. As time goes on the school’s spread throughout the colonies. In the 19th century, in 1832, Lowell Mason and George Webb formed the Boston Academy of Music with the purposes of teaching singing and theory as well as methods of teaching music. In 1838, the Boston School Committee approved the inclusion of music in the curriculum and Lowell Mason became the first recognized supervisor of elementary music. Music methodology for teachers, as a course, was first introduced in the Normal School. The concept of classroom teachers in a school that taught music under the direction of a music supervisors was the standard model for public school music education during this century. In the mid 20th century, during WW2, only vocal lessons were taught at the time. The teachers made sure to touch base on music appreciation and theory, which are very vital in learning music. As the war progressed, schools allowed for teachers to incorporate instruments into their teaching. Now in the 21st century, schools are able to incorporate things like: combined men and women choir, orchestra, band, jazz band, ensembles, etc.“Common” folk in American society, music, as a tool of empowerment, became even more prevalent, and reflected the ideology of many

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