
Music Has A Negative Impact On Society

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Music is a widely discussed topic that happens to take shape in many different conversations. One topic that takes place in many conversations around the world is if music has a negative or positive affect on society. This type of question is an opinion based that mainly depends on the person and the situation in which the music is present at that time. Sometimes music can have a positive and negative affect on society at the same time. Personally, I believe that music has both a positive and negative affect on society. This can be said for just even one song having both meanings. Throughout this paper different songs will be analyzed through their lyrics to determine which parts of society would be affected in a negative and positive by each individual song. Now to go look at some explains of these impacts through song lyrics and to see if they are negative or positive through my eyes. Music can impact society in many ways whether it is in positive or negative way such as, emotionally, morally, or even physically. Emotionally, music can make society feel like they’re not alone. It may even make someone feel as if that song exactly spoke about how that person was feeling at the time they heard it or when they were going through a certain situation. Songs have a way of connecting to us, us referring to us as human race, in very emotional ways that we directly connect with especially when someone is in a vulnerable state. This article states “Music has the

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