
My Becoming A Man By Simone De Beauvoir

Decent Essays

Simone de Beauvoir asserts that “one is not born, but, rather, becomes a woman (Bailey, Alison, and Cuomo 97).” In this analytical paper, I will attempt to relate to this to my “becoming a man,” as well as comparing and contrasting this claim with other feminist philosophers’ ideas. Also, I will try to explain how de Beauvoir’s ideas are beneficial to society and to individual people.
From birth to the first day in school, children seem to be concerned with food, love, and rest. From first grade and on, however, I for one, found myself trying to define who I am. What started as sharing food in first grade in order to make friend turned into caring about the way I dressed in middle school. I was careful to follow society’s standards of what a “boy” should be like. This included walking a certain way, being rude to the teacher, using crude language, pushing and shoving in lunch lines, and picking on girls. Most of the time I didn’t want to do those things, but it made me feel masculine when I did them. Through repetition, I found myself identifying with those habits.
Even to this day, I feel that I continue to follow a “stylized repetition of acts” in order to construct an identity (Bailey, Alison, and Cuomo 97). I agree with de Beauvoir’s claim, to a point. De Beauvoir’s phrasing of “becoming a man” implies that I was not born a man. I, however, believe that although I was not born a man, I was born more a man than a woman. In other words, I believe that I did not start with

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