
My Brothers Short Story

Decent Essays

Let me tell you a story about all my brothers. If I told you how many there were you would probably think I’m lying. Never in my life have I had a sibling that shared the same parents with me, but neither was I lacking in kids that I shared my parents with. I’ll try to avoid some of my crazy stories not just because I have a limited word count, but also to save myself the embarrassment of all the mischief I’ve gotten into with those I consider my brothers and my family. Until I was 13 I had grown up as an only child, so it was a big shock when another kid moved in with us. My mom and step-dad declared it was God’s calling they become foster parents, and a few months later, Geremiah was moving into the room across from me. While they made sure Geremiah had all his physical needs met, it was up to me to help him adjust to living in a new place. Having autism made many of the needed adjustments difficult for him. I had to see that he ate well, kept good hygiene, and succeeded in school. I began to realize that I had the ability to step up and make a difference in someone’s life. Two kids later, Geremiah is still living with us and now Savonn moves in with us. He may have impacted my life more than just about anyone else I know. Savonn, like Geremiah, is a year older than me, but still looks up to me as a role model. Even though Savonn and I don’t share blood, and fight like cats and dogs sometimes, he’s still the closest thing to a full brother I’ve ever had. Hearing about

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