
My College Experience

Better Essays

People say once you graduate college to prepare yourself for the real world ahead of you. Going to college was the real world I was eager to experience after high school. The ability to be more independent and give the courage I already have to others surrounded around me. Attending Montclair State University has helped me recognize both my strengths and weaknesses throughout my college experience. Without those setbacks, I wouldn’t have been able to learn different approaches in order to be successful. These top ten lessons focused on preparation skills, communication, and passion. In the beginning of the semester I made sure to prepare myself by looking over my course syllabus and seeing what textbooks were need. It’s important to look over your syllabus in order to be aware of assignments, exams and due dates in order to prepare accordingly. I would advise using this strategy every day in order to be aware of the class material schedule. Each week on a syllabus most likely has what materials will be covered and the assignments that need to be completed. Once you look over your syllabus you’ll have a better understanding of not only your assignment but how the professor grades and teach. During the experience of my first semester I had few classes where the professor didn’t announce assignments and I had to rely on my syllabus. Looking over the syllabus made me more independent and responsible. Many students look at the syllabus as just some sheet of paper but it’s

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