
My College Experience : My Experience As A Writer

Decent Essays

y experience as a writer before this semester of college writing one, was almost non-existent. The best training that I had before this class was an internship while I was preparing to separate from the Army. I had the opportunity to work for a marketing company in Fayetteville, NC, called 219 Group. My Army unit allowed me to do so, and the internship ended up being a terrific experience. Most of my work involved social media marketing, but I was also able to write a few blogs that were posted on clients websites. The blogs were used to improve the websites Search Engine Optimization (SEO). The only basic requirement was to stress certain key words that I had to use repeatedly, and since nobody read the blogs it was a perfect job for an intern. Besides the internship, I did a little writing that was required for my job in the Army. The Army has a particular writing style that is very different from college writing or any essay writing. With very little experience and training in writing before my college writing class, what little writing I managed to do, was not the best quality. I had many faults and difficulties, too many to mention is a short essay. Although, I still have many difficulties as a writer, I have made significant improvements with just one semester of college writing. In the following paragraphs I will mention some of the writing projects that were completed during the semester and the revisions that I have made. I mention in this paper and provide in my

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