
My Community Service Taught Me About Leadership Essay

Decent Essays

In the past four years of my life, voluteer work has left an indelible mark on my heart and mind. When I became a voluteer, I had a very vague notion of leadership. As my high school days come to an end, I am left with the feeling that I have finally come into my own shoes, discovering the things that are important to me and those that are not. I have found my personal leadership style, and I now pay attention to the leaders I come across each day. For this reason, voluteering has been both an enlightening and inspiring experience, for I am surrounded by peers, mentors, and the voluteer program director, all of whom are leaders with creative visions of their own.

At the beginning of the school year, my voluteer project goal was to …show more content…

I chose this topic because I feel it meets a true community need; too many young people, girls in particular, are falling prey to abusive relationships. The effects are far-reaching, and the loss of self-esteen that so often occurs leaves invisible scars. I also feel that emotional abuse among young girls in dating realtionships is far too often ignored, and when it is recognized, many people do not know how to help the young girls deal with it in an effective manner.

My program, "The Wounds of Words," was held on the campus of area high schools. Three women spoke; one was a specialist on dating and domestic violence, and the other two were survivors of emotionally and physically abusive relationships. Approximately two hundred people attended the program; some came out of concern for loved ones, others came out of concern for themselves. Regardless of their reasons for coming, I knew as I listened to the speakers and their courageous stories that if one girl could be saved from the emotional abuse that may await her in the future because of my program, the program was a success.

I am more resolved than ever to continue working with women's issues; I feel that it is my place as a young woman, as a young leader, to help someone else see the beauty in herself. I am now thinking of obtaining a minor in Women's Studies at Harvard University and

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