
My Current Role As A Preceptor

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My current role as a preceptor I deal with a high turnover of student from different universities. The unit where I work faces many difficulties in meeting student and staff needs.These difficulties range from shortage of staff, uncovered sick leave, and high acuity patients that needs experienced and skilled nurses and finally high numbers of students that rotate on the ward.
These mentioned reasons make it very challenging for nurses to perform their duties adequately; thus, placing patients at high risk of inadequate care and create higher incidence of errors. Establishing a good relationship between the student and the preceptor is essential to foster better learning outcomes.However, if the environment in a clinical setting is not receptive; this can make the learning journey for the students overwhelming and can lead to negative aspects.

Significance of change
Preceptorship means supporting newly graduated nurses in a form of buddy-nurse to assist in care and enhance good practices. Unfortunately, there is a huge loss of nurses after graduation that leave the job after very short period because of stress and inadequate support from untrained preceptors that model to these novice nurses in an inappropriate way.
In many occasions, the preceptor that is allocated students is unfamiliar with such role and participates due to staff shortage or under pressure from nurse manager.This can affect the accuracy of marking student’s assessments and make feedback

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