
My Experience At The Age Of Five

Decent Essays

At the age of five, I experienced my first dentistry. As they’d work on my teeth I would ask question like “What is that?”, “What does it do?” This experience did not only trigger my career goal but made me who I am. After my first experience I loved looking at people smile and going to the dentist every month. I was bullied at the age of six for this very reason. As I grew older I developed three missions in life. One, to finish school and earn my high school degree, two to start college , and three to earn my degree and start working as a dentist. Soon these missions became goals. After I finished high school I set new missions: one to start college, two to earn my Bachelor’s degree and my doctoral degree and three to get a good score on my Dental Acceptance test.
After I finished high school, I started to search for community college with dental classes. That’s when I heard of Tarrant County College (TCC) .I immediately ran to the school and applied as soon as possible. After a month or so I got a letter allowing me to start college, as I read the words hope raised up in my body. I asked my older sister Iftah, to help me get strategies for college because I was new to the idea. During August, me and my sister Iftah created a strategy list. For me to be a dentist I first need to complete a bachelor’s degree. Getting a bachelor’s required hard work and commitment. Saying hard work did not mean just slacking off it meant I had to have good grades and a perfect attendance.

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