
Dental Hygiene Admission Essay Sample

Decent Essays

I want to attend Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences in the dental hygiene major because I want to change the way people view their own personal set teeth. My personal fascination of the bone structure started when I lost my first tooth and the only person there to calm me down was my aunt Deena who was a budding dental hygienist at the time. After she made me clean my slightly bloody mouth, I remember her sitting me down and showing me a tiny white object that was wrapped up in tissue paper. Imagine me frowning at the fallen tooth; I wasn’t quite happy with it because I felt like it had abandoned me. When I expressed this thought to my aunt, she only smiled and let me hold the tooth. At that moment, I think I became enchanted with it and vowed to gain as much knowledge as I can about the tooth and how to care for the rest that rested in my mouth. …show more content…

I even knew that a person could become a doctor of tooth care or someone who helps such a doctor like my aunt. But I wasn’t that special and was like everyone else as a child who wanted to become many things when they “grew up” like an inventor or an underwater scientist. It only makes sense then that I grew serious about my career choice during the last year of middle school because those years were full of big decisions. My fascination of teeth made me turn my desires to the health field, specifically to dental care because it combined my need to help others with the love of

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