
My Experience In Singapore

Good Essays

“A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.” These words by Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr. perfectly describe how my travel experience in Singapore this past summer has changed my life. Traveling to Singapore has been an item on my bucket list that I never thought I would ever be able to accomplish at such a young age. Through my travel, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in the culture by living life as a local while visiting the major tourist spots that the country had to offer. I also had firsthand experience with the Singaporean lifestyle and I was so amazed by the beauty of the country. Because of this, my travel to Singapore has given me a new perspective on countries and has broadened my horizons in terms of travelling to a new place. On July 31st, 2017, my trip to Singapore commenced with a four hour flight from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia at seven o’clock in the morning. Despite having woken up just a few hours after midnight and running very low on sleep, I was euphoric that I was finally given an opportunity to visit such a multi-cultured country. As the airplane began to ascend, I leaned back into the stiff seat and gripped on the armrest because although I have flown a couple of times in the past, I always seemed to get nauseous and apprehensive. However, my nausea soon subsided when the airplane levelled out and the flight attendants strolled along the aisles to distribute snacks. Shortly after, I peeked out the window and admired the thin wisps of clouds in the dawn sky until I succumbed to my much needed slumber. I woke up from my nap when I felt a light tap on my shoulder by my brother, Alex. He told me that it was time for the plane to begin its descent so I gathered my belongings and adjusted my seat until it was upright. As the airplane began to descend, I was filled with excitement and enthusiasm. I could feel so much energy rush through my veins as my ears popped and I finally heard the flight attendant say, “Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the Singapore Changi Airport!” As soon as I stepped off of the airplane, I was met with many fluorescent lights lining the lofty ceilings and glass windows showcasing the modernistic architecture Singapore was

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