
My Experience With A Therapist

Satisfactory Essays

Over the course of this semester, I have enjoyed my opportunity of gaining hands on experience of what it is like to be a therapist. I have learned so much this semester and I want to be able to apply all the techniques and skills that I have learned throughout my career as a future Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. Honestly, when I first began I didn’t know to expect from this process. I was scared a little and felt a bit inadequate, because I’d never rendered therapy to someone on a professional level. Giving advice to my friends concerning their issues, and being a confidante was as close as I got to the realm of actually being therapeutic to someone. I didn’t know what a dyad or triad was until I learned what it was in this program. It also caught me by surprise of how quickly everything began, but I was determined to make the best of it. My first experience in the therapy room was that I couldn’t explain. I just remember thinking that “this is what I am going to be doing as a career,” therefore I was trying to get a feel with how the room is set up and to just relax. I am used to getting tense when I am in make or break situations. Therefore, even as early as September, I needed to remind myself that this is a dialogue between the client(s) and I, just be yourself. So, my first mock client was Amanda, and I was nervous still because I was finally about to engage in a therapeutic relationship and process with another in a more professional way. Reviewing my notes

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