
My Experience With A Vision

Decent Essays

Until today I never really gave creating a vision too much thought. The whole idea just seemed too touchy-feely for me. However, I realize that without a vision for my life, I am just passing time with nothing but a hopeless look in my eyes. Having a vision simply makes life more interesting because it gives you some sort of direction and guidance.
Five years from now I will be 28 years old and will have been graduated for four years with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism and Media Studies. Within those years after graduation I want to be working in broadcast journalism. This has always been my top career pick and I am determined to make it happen. I will be living in Los Angeles working for NBC Universal. Hopefully I will be married but honestly this is not what will be important to me at this time. Putting my own needs first will allow me to get to where I want to be.
Throughout my life I have made a lot of changes in the way that I live. By doing so I have become a much happier individual with a clear path for my life. Some of the things that have made the biggest impact on my life are: spontaneity, acknowledging that everything happens for a reason, and choosing to pick my battles.
Although life can get busy between work, school and attempting a social life, I think it is important to maintain a healthy balance between all these aspects. I am the happiest when I get the opportunities to spend time with my friends and family. Spending all my time and energy on work would

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