
My Fair Lady Analysis

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The process of an individual’s transitions become transparent through an individual’s knowledge and attitudes towards new experiences and understandings within new worlds. Willy Russell’s play ‘Educating Rita’ and George Cukor’s film ‘My Fair Lady’ follow the transitional processes of the personal and metaphysical or reality, to achieve deeper understandings of self as well as the worlds which surround their protagonists. These transformative transitions prompt shifts in attitudes and beliefs of education and individuality within the 19th century while challenging dispositions of particular ideologies that responders of the time and in modern day periods inherently react to. These challenges appear physically, acting as barriers and are psychologically demonstrated through self esteem issues of confidence experienced by both protagonists. Personal endeavours can be altered due to the attitudes of individuals and their beliefs in understanding the practicality of education. This is prevalent through Rita’s desire to become an educated individual, aiding her intention of shifting to a higher class status. As Rita is first introduced, it is understood that she is determined to learn by her own free will seen through the struggle of opening the door to her professor, Frank’s office. The door is symbolic, implying new beginnings and opportunities while the struggle to open it symbolises the barrier between Rita and her educated upper class status. This idea is evident in Rita’s

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