
My Family Change : My Change In My Life

Decent Essays

On October 24, 2017 my life has changed drastically and I’m still trying to decide how I’m going to cope with the situation. It was a regular night as I was laying in my bed on my phone before I was ready to go to sleep. Suddenly a Snapchat group chat with all of my girlfriends started to blow up and with confusion, I quickly started to look at it. Maria said “Sal just got shot” and my heart jumped out of my chest. I glanced at peoples stories and all I saw was “Stay strong Sal” or “Stay strong my bro Sal”. I ran downstairs with tears rolling down my face while I screamed at my parents to let them know what was going on. Since my dad is a police officer, I told him that he immediately needed to figure out what happened and let me know as soon as he found out. I zoomed back in my bed and looked at my social media for a second time as I began to shake with fear. The tears started to fall down faster and faster as the stories continued, but this time it said “Rip Sal” and I couldn’t believe what I seen. The girls in my group chat said he was rushed to the hospital and that was the same news my parents just gave me. For the last time I went downstairs and they told me he was in bad condition. I didn’t want to hear any bad news so I angrily went in my room. I started to get texts and call from my cousin and sister and I felt overwhelmed and felt like my head was a moving spiral that was consistently going down. There were so many rumors going on I didn’t know what to believe so

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