
My Family Essay

Decent Essays

My family and I are all Catholic. I owe a lot of my values and love and character to my faith. Faith is so important for all of my family members. Ve base all of our family values and what we do off of God and the teaching of the faith. From my parents, to my cousins, to my grandparents, faith is the cornerstone of out life. To be initiated into my Catholic faith, I was Baptized. I was Baptized in October 29, 2006 at St. Anselm Church in San Anselmo. This was a big celebration for my and all of my family and close family friends were invited for this special day. I don’t remember much from this day, but I know I was very well behaved, wink, wink! The atmosphere was amazing. The fact that I was going to become a part of the Catholic Church was a big deal for all of my family and friends. I had two Godfathers when I was baptized. One of them was our good family friend, Loic. I am so grateful that he my Godfather because he is always there, and I am so happy that he is close to our family. My other Godfather was my my uncle, Chuck. He had always been the best joke teller, but he is also a very important part of my extended family. I am so grateful that both of these guys became my Godparents.

I am so happy that I became Catholic. My faith life is so important to me. God is my actual best friend. I know that He is always there for me and will forever be my creator and greatest lover. I am so blessed that He is there for me to talk to when I need Him the most, and also he is

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