
My Family : My Favorite Day

Decent Essays

A small family of three, just my dad, my mom, and me, oh and Pedro. Can’t forget Pedro, he was my pet lab I got when I was three. Johnny, Jill, and Jordan, why we all have names that start with a J, I will never know. Mom worked at a bank, as a loan officer, and dad owned a golf course that had been built by my grandfather many years ago. So as I’m sure you can imagine my childhood was filled with trying to become the next Tiger Woods. Throughout the day my dad was so busy giving golf lessons, the course was free reign. I spent my time making the best hideouts, fishing for golf balls in the creek, and doing anything to make 3pm come as fast as possible. Dad and I would drive the golf cart home around 3pm every day, and he would take a nap. I wasn’t sleepy, all I wanted was someone to play with. So I would entertain my time watching Drake and Josh until I heard the alarm at 4:30. That meant it was time for dad to get up, and head back over to the course to check on things. This time I would stay at home, and entertain myself by eating the candy in our candy jar, because mom or dad would never know. Tuesday was my favorite day. Around 4:45 I would see a old grey Buick pull in the drive way. YES! Miss Tammy was here to clean. I would always clean my room the night before, so we could spend time playing together. She would let me help her clean the bathtubs, and I would sweep, while she vacuumed. It was nice to have someone to play with, especially after playing alone all day. I

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