
My Favorite Community In My Life

Decent Essays

Every person is connected with many communities in their everyday life. Those are related to their work, related to sport which they are used to play, related to places where they live. Some people love to work for the community of their religion. Some also like their community of friends with whom they do their study, traveling, parties, different types of experiments. Now a day many people are engaged in the community of their social networking site in which the people with same interest in different things like cars, trucks, gadgets are connected to each other and talk about different update or any suggestions for the betterment. “Friends are the one who brings out the best in you.” These few words of Henry Ford that are the best to describe my favorite community which is my college friends group. How was I on the first day of my college and how was I on the day of leaving my college. I have never thought that this big difference come in my lifestyle, my thinking, my behavior. On the first day, I was just a blank piece of paper, but at the last of my college this blank piece of paper has its own colorful story, its own motivated words, now it has its own wings to fly in the high sky. This is how my community has changed me. I have completed my half college in aeronautical engineering in India. During the first week, I didn’t have any friends. So, there was nothing to think about except study. But after a week I met my friends. Basically, they all are living in college

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