Very few presidents or politicians come along and make a change. Presidents like John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln are just two of those presidents who changed the standard and helped shape America to what it is today. However, my favorite politician and president is President Barack Obama. I feel this way because he not only made major changes for America but also was an all-around good person and an ideal leader. An inadequate politician can be thought of someone who has done nothing beneficial for the people, someone who divides the people and is openly dishonest to the country; someone like Donald Trump. Donald Trump is my least favorite politician and president because he has done nothing for the country but worsen its condition and attempt to reverse any and everything good President Obama has done solely out of spite. He never has what is best for the country on his mind and leads with a selfish mindset. The countless substantial reforms that President Obama has done simply cannot all fit into this paper; however, I will mention some of the most important things he has done over his eight years of presidency. With the Affordable Health Care Act of 2010, President Obama made health care more accessible and cut the rate of uninsured Americans in nearly half. He also lowered unemployment rate from 10 percent to only 4.6 percent by adding almost fifteen and a half million jobs in six years. One of the most important things he has done for college students is
Despite the years of Republican obstructionism in Congress, as well as a breathtaking lack of respect from his political opponent, President Obama reformed the healthcare and immigration system. President Obama signed the ACA into law in March 2010 and promoted a broad immigration reform. Although it did not become law, the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act, (DREAM Act) set the stage for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. “Immigration and Executive Action” article writes:
The presidency of Lyndon B. Johnson had many high reaching domestic reforms that had positive outcomes for Americans. For example, the first of which was his request of Congress to pass Kennedy's civil rights bill in as a memorial in the year of 1964 (Schultz 2014). But for Johnson, the intention was to improve the lives of the poor, elderly and uneducated citizens of our country. Another area where the president wanted to fire up interest was in reforming policies for improved civil rights laws and to rewrite the immigration laws.
On November 4, 2008, Barack Obama was elected president of the United States of America. During this year, the United States faced a devastating economic recession. The unemployment rate in America was increasing significantly, so President Barack Obama began to analyze the health care system in place for the citizens of the United States. Two years after President Obama’s election a new form of health care was implemented, as stated in Healthcare Reform in America, “The 2010 health reform legislation, known as the Affordable Care Act (ACA), was the outcome of a push by the Obama administration to pass major healthcare reform legislation” (Kronenfeld, Jennie and Michael Kronenfeld 97). The
President Obama wanted to start a plan that made health care available for everyone, which later on created Obamacare. Obamacare is also known as the Affordable Care Act (para 1 and 2). With Obamacare being created everyone is supposed to have healthcare with no exception, Obama made healthcare more affordable for people who can not afford any other health insurance. With Obamacare, everyone will be eligible even those with pre-existing conditions. For the ones who are not fortunate enough and can not afford to pay the plan chosen then assistance will be provided for them. When people are not able to pay for health insurance they are put at the stage of choosing if they want to feel better and buy the medicine or stay sick in order for them to provide what they need to provide for their families at home. Providing the country with Universal Healthcare benefits many people including the government will benefit from this because everyone will be paying to receive coverage at a low cost and they will finally receive the medical attention they have been looking for (para 8). Having healthcare should be considered something we are supposed to be provided with but of course with a certain charge. A reasonable charge that
Each and every president of the United States of America left behind a legacy for everybody to look back at and learn from ,some of them were more notice able than others .Who do you believe was the best President of American? Well ,I believe that the 40th president ,Ronald Reagan, was the best of all . Now you might ask why I choose Reagan .I choose him because he was kind,understanding and had a personality that nobody could resist.He also had a lot of nicknames that people gave him such as, Ronald the Right , the Jelly Bean Man ,and the Great Communicator .
President Barack Obama has been written into the history books for becoming the first African American president of the United States. The president plans on changing history again by bringing universal health care into the United States, which has won him much popularity among Democratic voters. His fans adore his speeches but raise many red flags for the majority of America. Major concerns Americans have with President Obama’s two proposed health-care bills are that health-care options will no longer be available along with the real cost of Obamacare, and small businesses. As many Americans believe Presidents Obama’s health-care plan is what the United States has needed for decades, considering he did get elected, his polices will prove to be a nuisance for the United States.
One of the biggest concern of the nation is the health care, because more then half a million people do not have insurance. The Democratic and Republican worked together to improve the issue, but there was not any solution through any of our past president. Until President Barak Obama signed and passed the Affordable Care Act on March 23, 2010, which is also known as ObamaCare. This act reforms the combination of control health care cost, and the development of coverage through the public and private insurance
Obama is the best president we have ever had because he changed and created many things that we needed in today's society. He created Obama Care, and this has many benefits that many people don't know about. People has outnumbered the negative side with the positive side. This led to Donald Trump's repeal of obama care. Obama care slows the rate of rising health care cost. It does this by providing health care insurance for millions and preventive care free. Preventive care is any medical service that defends against health emergencies. The purpose of this is to help people stay healthy. Obama care also gives kids benefits they can stay on their parents insurance up until their 26. This increased profit for insurance companies.People always want to say obama care isn't even that good, but if they really looked into the facts
The financial bailout on Wall Street rescued the economy from total collapse from faulty mortgage loans. Obama’s plans include reworking and changing the way the economy works for the better. George W. Bush gave tax cuts to Americans who earned over $1,000,000. A large sum of people don’t believe it was a fine idea. Obama will give tax cuts to working class people and small businesses, not to the wealthy. He will create tax credits of $500 per person and $1,000 per working families. Obama will also eliminate income taxes to senior citizens who less than $50,000 a year.
On March 23, 2010 President Barack Obama introduced a new healthcare system because various Congress representatives and Obama believed our country needed a change. This new healthcare system was called the Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as Obamacare. It is now 2016, and it is time for more changes. With a new president coming into office, Donald Trump, we can expect changes to Obamacare or an entirely new healthcare system altogether. Obamacare is costing Americans more than it was intended to (Galen Institute). This essay will explain why Obamacare needs to be improved and how to improve this healthcare system. Obamacare has two types of supporters. The first type of supporters believe there is nothing that can be done to make this healthcare system better, while the second type think there should be changes to reinforce this health care system. Opponents believe Obamacare needs to be changed or ended altogether because they claim it is not helping the American citizens. Going forward, Trump should make changes to Obamacare in order to make it stronger instead of scrapping it altogether.
Under the Obama regime there has been an uptake of education which was not always the case and more so for the African Americans. This has been linked to the blacks accessing schools they could not have done in other regimes which is a great effort on the government.
The Obama Presidency is known for many things: two wars, economy crashes, government shutdowns and, yes, the infamous Obamacare. Throughout the last six years, President Obama’s agenda was set towards passing a major healthcare reform bill: The Patient Protection and Affordable Healthcare Act (ACA), more commonly known as Obamacare. Passed on March 23, 2010 under considerable opposition, ACA is widely considered to be the landmark achievement of Obama’s presidency, and his hopeful legacy for historians long afterward. The law has since survived multiple challenges regarding its legality, but its impact on the intended (original) goal of reducing medical costs is still unclear. Affordable healthcare for all
The United States has experience a large wave of immigration of hopeful people to try and start a better life and live the American Dream. Coming from countries around the world, the United States is being shaped by the immigrants. Families that come to the United States come here to give their children a better education and for them to have a successful life than they ever had. Immigrant children have to live with the fear everyday of being deported and being separated from their parents. All these children want to do is have a better education and try to support their families. Little by little Obama is helping the immigrant children who actually want an education and deserve an opportunity to be successful in this country, by passing the dream act and making speeches about how important immigration is and how education for
Obama realizes that a strong nation needed the good health of all people. As a result, President Obama brings the Obamacare health insurance into the marketplaces to reduce the health care costs and to get access to health insurances easier as well. Under the Obamacare, there are no people to be denied coverage for
Throughout our nation's history it has endured 43 presidents,some of them have been remembered as great men who served our country well and made it a better place. Others are more well known for the scandals they caused and others are hardly remembered at all. Despite the amount of presidents that we have had there has never been a president who stands out as the best president ever. Although there are two presidents from the post world war 2 era, each from two separate parties that I believed both had some of the skills to be the best president ever.