
My First Day In School

Decent Essays

This past year from when I was a “little” seventh grader to now has been quite interesting. The first day of school was on my birthday and I started off sick. Yeah, it wasn’t very pleasant. I missed the first three days of school. When I was better, I was very scared and nervous for all the new teachers and classes. I knew most of the seventh and eighth grade teachers, but I had never been in their class before. Soon, I learned that they were all extremely nice and loved to teach. I had tried to memorize my schedule before, so I wouldn't go to the wrong class. My first class was art, and then math, science, lunch, P.E., language arts, quest, and finally social studies. I remember Mr. Munford told us that he hopes we would be a pretty good class. I think our class turned out pretty well. I was involved in many fun activities last year. One of them was “FCA” which stands for “fellowship of christian athletes.” “FCA” was extremely fun because we met on Friday mornings before school and we got to eat doughnuts and things like that and then we would talk about different things that involved with Christians. Another activity I was involved in was C.L.O.W.N. troupe it was pretty funny seeing everybody’s clown costumes. The “veteran” clowns had to help train the new clowns that joined that year. All the clowns had to create a presentation to present to little kids. Our presentation for the year was about sharing and having good manners. We never got to go to the other schools and

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