I can still clearly remember the second day when I arrived in the United States. I started to attend a public high school. During my pre-calculus class, suddenly, the speaker broadcasted something like “Code blue, this is not a warning. Teachers need to lock the door, and students please move away from the windows”. I was clueless since I barely spoke any English back then. Although, soon I realized how dangerous the situation was. Someone brought a gun to school, and the police were chasing after him in the hallway.
This brought us to our interview topic, which is regarding gun controls. I was lucky to have someone, who’s brother used to be in the military, Devin Friske as my interviewee. We started the conversation with why America
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We then shift the focus to concealed carrying. Devin believes that open carrying is actually less dangerous than concealed carrying. Since people know the fact that person has a gun. He also mentioned his brother often concealed carry a handgun in his holster, although he would never want to do that. Since his brother was in the military, he was properly trained with guns, and have a valid license to do so. I followed with a question that, why people need to go through a test on how to properly drive a car, but do not have to go through any training or checking to operate a gun. He nodded and told me each time when he and his brother go to a gun range, his brother will treat the weapon with respect, handle it carefully. Although, there are plenty of people do not have a brother who was in the military. They learned from their father or their friends when they were six or seven years old during a hunting trip. We reached an agreement with that, many other developed countries have strict regulations on guns, and America should do the same.
Devin brought up another point that even the guns are heavily regulated, it would be still hard to stop people from borrowing guns from each other. If two people have the same gun, it could be easily mixed and creates complications. I asked him why people do not like having a fingerprint sensor on the gun. He thinks the gun manufacturers do not like that since it adds cost to productions. Also, this will
As one of the most controversial issues in today’s society due to the numerous tragic shootings around the world, gun control attracts many opinions. James Q. Wilson’s essay, Just Take Away Their Guns, features his solution to the dangerous dilemma and discusses his reasoning. He believes that eliminating the plethora of illegal guns in America would limit crime and shootings. Wilson feels that the most effective method would be police frisks, where they would search suspicious citizens for unauthorized guns. While one may question how successful this will be, James Wilson’s use of facts, tenable sources, and his exploration of all flaws in the idea make for a strong argument in favor of his plan.
“The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun, is a good guy with a gun.” -NRA chief. This statement has been largely disputed relating to the carrying of concealed weapons in public and whether it should be allowed or not. People try to use the history of guns in America and the interpretation of the second amendment to prove or disprove a point. One can also compare the good and the bad of each side and decide for themselves what they think the best option is. The argument is whether or not concealed carry affects America and it’s citizens in a more positive or negative way. It is only when it’s decided what the effects are can you go forward figuring out the solutions.
Guns are one of the most controversial and debated-upon topics in America today. In the Constitution, Americans are given “the right to bear arms,” and many Americans are proud of and believe strongly in that right. Though, that right has been constantly misused. Homicides by gun are at a higher rate in the United States than any other country in the world, mass shootings are at an all time high (many of which have occurred in the past two years alone), and terrorism has been at an all-time high. So, naturally, it is a topic that needs to be discussed. In the articles Change Your Gun Laws, America (1), author Fareed Zakaria provides the readers with some harrowing statistics on guns and insight over how the U.S. laws on guns need to be managed.
Schools all over the world have become a bit stricter about the way that they handle certain situations. They are also doing a better job to make sure that they keep their environment safer. For instance, it was decided that the school should be closed for a while until everywhere was examined and that there were no signs of any problems. In “The Columbine High Massacre,” it states, “The Columbine Shooting on April 20, 1999 had an enormous impact on not just their town, but nationwide. Schools, and other places have become so much more aware of their surroundings and how to go about things” (Madeline).
There are millions upon millions of guns with even more ammo pouches on top of that. The thought that anyone can just collect them all is hilarious. People also believe that the NRA (National Rifle Association) is just handing these guns over to the shooters without any background checks whatsoever, but that is so far from the truth. There has not been a single mass shooting under any member in the NRA because they actually do do background checks on people before handing over a semi automatic firearm. The bottom line is that criminals will be able to get their hands on dangerous weapons one way or another. It would be impossible for Devin to have received the gun through the NRA because he was a criminal. Besides, guns 90% of the time are used for protection purposes and a family’s own safety. It is probably safe to say that banning guns on society is absolutely bogus, and everyone should just follow the second amendment. (right to bear
Across the United States of America a debate rages on daily, that debate is whether or not to allow the public to obtain and operate firearms. The right to bear arms has been fused together with American culture for hundreds of years. Many advocates for gun control are against citizens of the United States being able to possess and operate firearms, even though it is a necessary evil and is a right of every man and woman across the country. Gun control in the United States is a dangerous topic but one that needs to be addressed. American citizens have the right to bear arms, and the evidence is there to prove that it can be done effectively and safely.
Gun ownership is embedded in the fabric of America. The United States has the highest gun ownership rate in the world with 88 guns per 100 people. This is a staggering amount of firearms in the U.S. which our forefathers would 've never imagined when writing the 2nd Amendment. The 2nd Amendment states that “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Not everyone interprets this right the same way. Regulating and restricting the use of these firearms brings up opposing sentiments from those in favor of gun control and those who oppose
The first day in the United States is one of the best day and most thrilling days in my life. My father and my older sister move to Malaysia to get a job and support our family due to financial difficulty and lack of job opportunity in Burma. After a few years, my father and my sister were able to enter as immigrant and they were sent to the United States as immigrants through United Nation. After being apart with my father and my sister for more than a decade, my parents decide to move completely to America where more opportunities are available for a brighter future. My family faces many obstacles during the process of migrating to America. Despite all the struggle that are on our way, my family finally arrives in the United States and face major changes in life.
“Ha ha, that is normal for some people to dress that way! He wore it that way on purpose!” He said.
In today’s society, there is plenty to talk about. Whether it be about the President, the weather change, there is always something to talk about. One of the major issues that has been talked about for an extended period of time is gun control and the issues that follow it. There are two specific articles that were chosen today; one of which from the Chicago Sun Times website, and the other from the New York Times.
In light of the stereotyped, yet nonetheless accurate, obsession of firearms that the American people proudly uphold, restricting the use of guns proves to be a much more difficult feat than one would have you believe. “America 's pervasive gun culture stems in part from its colonial history, revolutionary roots, frontier expansion, and the Second Amendment”.
In 2011, my parents and I came to America. The choice that my parents made had benefited my academic career. I have a better education here and schools in America helped me become a better 2learner. Education is an important part of one’s life. Without a good education, not everyone can achieve their lifelong goals that want to achieve someday. When I was living in India it was much more different studying there. The teachers in India, would not be as tough as the teachers here. Some teachers do not give any effort in wanting to help their students succeed. Eventually, my parents decided to come to America, to get a good career and help me succeed . When I came to America, it was an escape from the education that I was having before.
In a nation that prides itself on protecting the rights of all citizens, one right is under a blistering attack. According to the second amendment the “right to bear arms shall not be infringed” but in every corner of America that right is getting closer and closer to disappearing. In the news, Americans only hear of the guns that kill, they don’t hear of the guns that save. The fact of the matter is, the right to carry concealed weapons has saved lives.
In America guns have been a part of the country’s society since it’s birth. Throughout history the citizens of the US have used firearms to protect the nation, protect their families, hunt for food and engage in sporting activities. The issue of Guns and gun control is complex. Weighing the rights and liberties of the individual against the welfare and safety of the public has always been a precarious balancing act. In the United States, gun control is one of these tumultuous issues that has both sides firmly entrenched in their positions. Those parties in favor of gun ownership and the freedom to use and keep arms, rely on the fact that the provision for such rights is enshrined in their constitution. In this climate of
When I first came to the United States of America, that's like in "sticky situation" for me.