
My First-Grade Year Of School

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It was fall of my first-grade year of school. The group of approximately fifteen of us gathered together for Meghan Zimmerman’s birthday party at Cordova lanes Bowling Alley. Each of us were enthusiastically, waiting for our turn to bowl. No one may know if everyone’s failure to follow directions caused me to bust open my chin but it certainly was a factor. In the events that followed I learned that if one fails to follow instructions the consequences can fall on those who do obey.
Everyone had already been there for about an hour but the excitement still beamed in their eyes. As I sat there impatiently waiting for my turn I heard the clashing of each pin of each lane as the pins fell to ground. CLANK, CLANK, CLANK went each of the pins. I glanced over towards my lane and noticed everyone placing their drinks on the light tinted wooded floor causing there to be rings of damp condensation everywhere. I thought nothing of the drinks at first but it was only five minutes later when one of employees came over. “Please tell your children to put their drinks on the tables,” I overheard her say to one of the mothers.
I heard the polite voices of one of the moms telling the group to remove the drinks from the area. I fully anticipated everyone else to listen to the adults, but this is was certainly not the case. What had made everything even worst was the parents themselves seemed to not care. This was such an atrocity. Confusion and anger swelled in me like a bubbling solution

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