
My First Video Game System

Satisfactory Essays

Ryan Little
MRKT 3001- Research Project

Growing up as children there was an underlying excitement to receive your very first video game system. You either wanted to get the shiny one that you kept passing by in the store or the one that the kid down the street had. Either way though, you were going to be happy with whatever one you received. Once you received it your excitement was beyond comprehension. You stayed up all night playing it, bragging about it to your friends and just showing it off to anyone that would look at it. So how long did this excitement last? For most kids, it was probably till the next gaming system came out. Then they just moved onto the newest and better one. So as we grew older the video game systems did as well. There was one type of gaming system that didn’t have as much luck in development as its sister gaming systems, and that is computer gaming. One can argue that they have seen development since the computer has gone through major development since it was first released. When one stops to think about it, what has been improved for the gaming itself? Maybe you can say that graphics and processing speed had increased to allow for better gaming, but there hasn’t been a dramatic change like there was/are in console gaming. So that left computer gaming behind in the dust. During the “Next” generation of video gaming history, in 1998 we will begin to see the door for the evolution of computer gaming hardware open up.
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