
My Fourth Performance Analysis

Decent Essays

My fourth performance will be a group performance that focuses on the story of Julio, from the book Underground America: Narratives of Undocumented Lives. Julio is an immigrant that tries to cross the border seven times, and on the eighth time he goes through terrible circumstances only to make it through the desert alive. My group will try to use theories of Conquergood, Pollock, and Bell, while keeping in mind the second learning objective in order to execute Julio’s story properly. We’ve taken great pains to ensure that we keep Conquergood’s theory of dialogic performance in mind. Since we are committing to the piece and understanding Julio’s story, we are not in danger of falling into the Skeptic’s Cop-out or the Custodian’s Rip-Off (Conquergood, 1985, pg. 5). We have to ensure that we balance the idea of being enthusiastic to portray him realistically and to show Julio’s story, while trying to not portray Julio as a fascinating story that is represented as a freak show (Conquergood, 1985, pg. 7). There needs to be an interaction with ourselves as performers and the story without trying to “act”. There …show more content…

According to Stephanie Anderson (2016), our second learning objective in this class is, “Students will be able to identify the dynamics of ethnic, cultural, gender/sexual, age-based, class, regional, national, transnational, and global identities and the similarities, differences, linkages, and interactions between them”. In reading, analyzing, and performing stories like Julio’s, we come to understand the obstacles other people have to overcome. More specifically, the race and ethnicity of another creates tensions between other cultures. The interaction the different nations, cultures, races, etc., have with one another have an unequal power dynamic which results in poor treatment. As we learn the important differences in places such as privilege, we can better understand our

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