
My Goals, And Career Goals In My Quality World

Decent Essays

Growing up, we all had our own vision of what our lives would be like when we were older. Some of us wanted to be doctors and nurses while others aspired to be musicians and singers. But did we ever stop to think about smaller aspects in life and not what career we would pursue? Beliefs, values, relationships, college and career goals are all included, “My Quality World”. The pictures we create in our head that expected in our own personal utopian world. A world where dreams molds into fantasy that you can make reality with the right decisions.
Being raised in a traditional Vietnamese family, I have always felt like I was never good enough. I am a perfectionist and I strive for approval from my family. It is something that I have struggled with for a long time. Even now, it feels like they disapprove of me going to community college. Education is education no matter what institution you attend. The only difference is the price you pay. I see myself succeeding later in life without heavy debts to pay from school. I will also have better understanding of who I am and what I want without …show more content…

Which allowed me to explore my interests in these types of fields. I realized I was lucky enough to have amazing math teachers all my life. I have always loved solving problems no matter how challenging it was. I imagine myself in a career of Aerospace or Architectural Engineering. I aspire to work for Boeing company to put parts together that will allow a successful trip to space. I aspire to draw out a blueprint for my very first building at an even bigger company than Boeing. Planning and creating has always been a passion of mine. Being able to do those things in my career would be such a dream. I will know when I am successful by how happy I am with where I am in my career. The stress created by searching for a career will perish forever. I cannot think of a more satisfying and liberating feeling than

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