
My Grandparents

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As a child, I was raised in an uppity, wealthy family. I was the child of the family failure. My Grandparents raised me. I was the child of the youngest and most enabled of the 11 kids my grandparents had. My father was a meth addict and my mother was selfish who was more concerned with her image and social life than her children. My grandmother loved me because she had children one after the other. By the time she was a master parent, all of her children had left the nest. With empty nest syndrome, she was all too happy to accept her name sake into her life and raise a little girl that was did not include an army of screaming children on top of the small infant she was handed. My grandmother never realized the amount of favoritism she displayed caused me a terrible childhood by my relatives. I was abused verbally and physically due to jealousy of her adult children and her other grandchildren just followed the example. My father, due to his drug addiction was not respected or treated as a parent. He was not allowed an opinion, at all. They began to make claims that were false, including an opinion I had mental health issues. One of my uncles had adopted a son with his previous wife and had been raising him fine until his divorce to my previous aunt due to his adultery with my current aunt. My aunt had 3 children from her previous marriage. When my uncle married my new aunt, they decided that they were no longer interested in raising my adopted cousin and began to claim

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