
My Hero Essay

Decent Essays

Have you ever thought or even considered who your hero was? I never really took this into huge consideration or even thought hard about it. I realized my hero is closer and more real than I expected. My heroes are my adopted parents. They took my sister and me into their already big family, so we could have a better life. This shows me that there are great and unselfish people out there. Hero’s come in all different forms and change your life for the better.
My family isn’t perfect by any means, but I wouldn’t want it any other way. I was taken away at a small age from my real parents along with my older sister, and younger brother. My birth parents were into bad habits and weren’t ready to take on a big family. My sister and I got to stay together and live with my aunt and uncle that are now my parents. My younger brother couldn’t live with us because there wasn’t enough room for him and my adopted parents already had two kids of their own. He is staying with my other aunt and uncle and is living a great and happy life with them. We are all still close and get to see each other whenever we want so it works out. We were all adopted at young ages so it was easier to adjust too. I sometimes wish that things were another way but I wouldn’t have the life I have now without my parents.
Even though I don’t realize it most the time; my parents are great and would do anything for me. I honestly don’t know what I would do without them. They gave me such a good life, and I’ve made so many great memories with them. I wouldn’t trade them for anyone. That is why they are my hero’s, they never fail to amaze me and would go above and beyond for me. I know they want to provide everything for me and to give me everything that I want. I always wanted to fit in with everyone and get the new trends, but my parents taught me that if I really want something I have to work for it. They are getting me ready for life by making me pay for most of my things, and making me a responsible young lady. I have learned that, by not working for what you want won’t teach you anything valuable for when I live on my own. I know it may be tough sometimes but I will have more knowledge of taking care of things by myself instead of always having

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