
My Hero Is A Hero

Decent Essays

In this intoxicating world where people are consumed by disease, hatred, and lust. I had the opportunity to see the world for myself. Monsters wearing human mask, humans trampling over others to get their selfish needs, and the smell of rotting flesh. The world is a chess board and we are the pawns that get used and disposed of in a matter of seconds. In an unforeseen situation, or an unexpected turn of events in the face of those, we face our true self. I am a coward, weak and defenseless. I am the total opposite of my hero, the person I wish to be; my mother. She has influenced me to strive for more and be the person who people look up to. I was taught discipline at a very young age. As the oldest sibling my job was to make my younger siblings miserable so I did. I was an innocent child; every thing I did was an accident.” Accidente mami accidente mami,” I would say, but my mother was not really fond of my reasoning. For some reason I think my fist had a magnet that connected it to my brother or sister’s face. One day after I finished my job my mother grabbed me and sat me in the chair. I was dumbfounded was this punishment? If so, how can a human be so cruel? When I tried to run away my mother would catch me and sit me back in the chair. That day I learned that violence does not solve all of our problems it did not mean that I stopped giving my brother and sister bloody noses, but I learned there are consequences for every action and as the big sister I should be a role model not the initiatory of the whole mess. Role models inspire people and sacrifice themselves for the benefit of the others which is a task I want to be entrusted with. My mother resembles my grandma so much they sacrifice themselves for the well-being of others. It was about a year ago when my mother found out that her mom started going blind. My grandma had not said anything just that she was fine. “Porque no me dijistes algo,” my mother would ask. “You already have a lot on your mind this isn’t something you should worry about,” Grandma would answer. My mother has endured hardships one after the other. My mother has gone through major surgeries due to stress. In one of her surgeries she had her whole uterus removed. My mother could no

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