
My Journey From Non-Belief To Trenchant Atheism Began With

Decent Essays

My journey from non-belief to trenchant atheism began with The Bible.

My story stands in contrast to Michael Collett’s touching story of sincere faith lost. Bit I take particular issue with Michael Jensen’s seemingly polite reply to Collett’s article. “I hope I’ve put Collet’s case…in such a way as he would recognise it”, he simpers, before paraphrasing Collett’s denial of God’s existence in a way which amounts to a “tacit acknowledgement that God exists”.
Since I did not grow up in a Christian household, attend church, or even have to endure Bible lessons at school, when I first actually read the contents of the Bible in my teens they came as a considerable surprise.
Opening the book at 900 year old patriarchs …Skipping to the …show more content…

Even after Lincoln invented the lightning rod it took nearly a half century for the western world to shed this belief, and use the lighting rod.
Century after century of Christendom saw superstition supplanted by science. The Earth isn’t flat, nor does the sun revolve around it. Our intuitions about the world have mostly been wrong: one by one collapsing under the weight of scientific discovery.
Michael Collett ‘s faith collapsed due to the lack of evidence. Jensen agrees that “if the evidence is not good, then don’t believe it”.
“Suppose there is a God…”, implores Jensen. Suppose there is a Creator. Suppose God as more than a force, as a personal, relational God who loves humans. “It’s not an outlandish idea, even if you yourself don’t believe it.”
No, taken in such vague, subjective terms, I suppose it is not outlandish. But believing in some sort of creator, or personal God, is not equivalent in believing in fully fledged Christianity. For instance, the Nicene Creed, or profession of the faith, involves adherence to the virgin birth, the divinity of Jesus, the resurrection/salvation narrative, the holy spirit, and the existence of heaven and hell.
My departed father clearly failed to instil in me the idea that we should go around supposing things.
Hailing from the poor Ibrox-tenements of Glasgow, he was a sapper in the British army on D-day 14, and a UN peacekeeper who helped clean up after the King David Hotel

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