
My Journey On My Spiritual Journey Essay

Satisfactory Essays

As I reflect back on my spiritual journey, I remember times of questioning God, praying in times of need, and asking why certain things happen the way they do. My journey has brought me through rough patches of my life and times of life learning lessons. Looking back at the past and up until now, I was not the one to attend church every Sunday and pray before every meal. I questioned some of the ways my church wanted us to learn about God. I even questioned God about certain events in life and why they happened. I look back on this as a way to show me how learning from God and about him is not always done in a church. As I make my way through nursing school, I have also learned that many individuals turn to their spirituality, find their faith, or pray that their belief will bring them comfort. My spiritual journey has taught me lessons of each these through good and bad times. My spiritual journey was not perfect and I am still learning from it. This journey has taken me through good times in my life and some really rough times in my life. The bad times never stopped me from changing my faith in God or staying mad at him. I have always learned in church, Sunday school, and church camps that God has a plan for everyone. Those plans will not be perfect and will not be easy. These plans will teach me about life and who I am becoming today. At the beginning of this journey, I had no clue about my faith in God. At this time in my life, I was around the age of five and was

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