
My Kosher Journey

Decent Essays

A good Reflection Paper will show that you have thought about the spiritual aid, its place and significance in its original context (in the Religion with which it is associated), and how you might adapt it to your own spiritual life. Your reflections should show whether or not you found it a help to your present spiritual growth, and any insights you had with regard to its use by yourself or others I am starting my Kosher Journey today as I slowly push my shopping cart through the grocery, I am perplexed by lucious cuts of fish and steak. Determined to dedicate myself to the Kosher meal style for three to five days, I push away from the meat section and decided I would partake by getting creative with fruits an vegetables. The people that …show more content…

This morning I rid my refridgerator of anything not necessary for my future endevour. I do not enjoy the taste of pork and so I will be refraining from all meats for the duration of my dietary journey. While unpacking all of my fresh produce into the fridge I was delighted by the variety of color in things that are not processed. After unpacking I put my tea kettle on the stove and readied my cup as usual with the exception of my precious milk. Milk is one thing I am yearning for in all of this. The milk I have does not have any label that defines it as Kosher. Naked tea is so drab but I will dredge on in the hopes to find the meaning in all of this. At the end of day one my body feels quite good while I do not have any craving for meat. I also went without bread and cheese today, sufficing on only fruits and vegetables. I understand that a regular Jewish meal starts with breaking bread. Tomorrow I am going to buy materials to make home made bread. Although Jewish people that follow this diet do not eat many grains on Passover, they do eat breads regualarly year round. I am including bread in my diet, but in small portions so that I can still see a change in my diet and my

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