
My Letter : My Personal Definition Of Nursing Essay

Satisfactory Essays

My Calling in Life: Nursing My intent is to inform the reader what my personal definition of nursing is along with my personal goals as a nurse and the contributions I plan to make. I also aim to discuss why nursing is a profession and how the concept of caring fits into nursing. Another objective is to discuss two significant nursing theorists to whom I can relate.
Nursing Definition and Why it is Unique The American Nurses Association[ANA] (2003, p.6) defines nursing as “the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, facilitation of healing, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, groups, communities, and populations.” The most commonly used definition of nursing is a person who takes care of someone when they are sick. In 2002, Merriam-Webster’s Medical Dictionary (as cited by Nancy DalPezzo, 2009) defined nursing as a person formally educated to care for the sick. Nurses do much more than just care for the sick. Nurses perform physical exams, promote health, provide counseling, provide education, administer medications, provide care for wounds, and much more. Nurses are the backbone of the hospital. The nurses often interact with the patients more than the doctor does. The nurses are very critical in the recording and interpretation of patient information. Nurses play a key role in communication between the

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