
My Liaison / Mentor Mouth

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When I first arrived at Bing, one of the first phrases spoken from my liaison/mentor mouth, was that Bing Nursery featured a “play-based, child-centered” curriculum. Perplexed, I pondered as to what this concept would entail. What I would soon learn was that this mission statement catered towards an emphasis on learning through play in an environment set up to encourage discovery independence and social interaction. It valued an approach focused on building self-esteem and social competence, and by ‘doing’ and independently pursuing their activities in the two hours of uninterrupted play they got each day. Children, in their time at Bing were creating a means by which they effectively learned. I thought back to my brief time in preschool. …show more content…

Specific analysis will be done on social dramatic play where a group of children share an alternative reality that they project together.

Play is often undervalued for the benefits it can provide. It is often set aside as an activity that has the sole purpose of releasing a child’s copious amounts of energy. In opposition to this common fallacy, we must recognize the important skills and life lessons that are derived from the foundations of play. In the earliest stages of child development, play serves as a capacity to have imaginary friends and explore alternative worlds. Through this medium child are learning what people are like, the modes through which they think, and the kinds of things people do. Research done by the National Association for the Education of Yong Children has explored the use of how dramatic play produces “documented cognitive, social, emotional benefits”. For children in their early stages of development, they learn the tools needed to interact with their peers and how to appropriately engage in multiple environments and situations. Through these first, early interactions with play, children learn how to have successful social interactions, preparing them for their time outside of the classroom.

Dramatic play, just like social relationships are subject to particular rules. M. Argyle discusses how these rules ensure the continuation of the game through the implementation of group behavior patterns that

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