
My Life At The Age Of 18 Months Old

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At the age of 18 months old I was officially adopted from Guatemala and brought to Michigan, where I would live and grow up with my new adoptive parents and brother. I know that this has immensely shaped the course of my life. Because of my parents I was able to attend a good, private school from kindergarten on, and thus go onto acquire a college education from another Christian institution. Because of this I was able to live a relatively comfortable life surrounded by people who love and support me. Unfortunately, I know that this is not the reality for all children. Because I know how drastically different my life would be if I had never been adopted, I want to use what I learn here at Calvin to help others, especially children, who do …show more content…

While I had an unspoken bond with other minority students-most who were also adopted-that was it. In my fourteen years of school, pre-college, I never once had a teacher that knew how it felt to be a minority. The only close-friend who could relate, I would meet in third grade, but would leave before we finished middle school-due to her mother not liking how she felt in this town. Because of these feelings of isolation I endured growing up, I know value the work people do to make sure schools, workplaces, and all other communities are communities of inclusion. Therefore, as a social worker, I will work to make sure marginalized people are never made to feel as I have felt. I believe it is extremely important to give people equal opportunity and resources, so they can flourish just like God intended. While I do not know what organization or job God will lead me to, I know that I want to use my career as a social worker to help all people. I want to be a part of the movements against racism, sexism, and other attempts at marginalizing people. God has created everyone equal and so I want to use my education to make sure this happens to children, families, the homeless, women, and anyone else who is not always treated justly. To be an active and effective participant in social changes, I need to a leader. Through my life experiences and time here at Calvin, learning in classes and from professors and peers, I’ve learned that there are many different types of

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