
My Life Changed After My Daughter

Decent Essays

In the fall of 2008, my life changed dramatically when my daughter was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes mellitus at eighteen months old. Who could have known that a single drop of blood could be the powerful catalyst for me to become the woman that I am today? Early in my daughter’s diagnosis, I found myself working side by side with my daughter’s health care providers, no longer just a mom, but an integral part of the team that would help her to have a “normal” life. From the night of her diagnosis, I was drawn to the nurses in the emergency department, then on the floor, and ultimately in our clinic—they were just so readily available and willing to take the time to alleviate my fears and answer my questions. In particular, even now, our clinical nurse practitioner is my rock. Exuding confidence and the medical knowledge I thirst for, she is the beacon I strive to become for others. No one has a perfect story, I’m sure we can all agree. As a young adult, when I first began my college career, I faltered spectacularly. Immaturity and naivety paved the way for an abusive relationship that predictably resulted in an emotionally controlling engagement. I was not the person I am today, so I allowed my life to be taken over in the name of “love.” When I found the strength to demand my autonomy, my once-fiancé took his life. It was a very difficult time and I did not handle it in a manner that I can look back on with pride. I take full responsibility for the blemishes in my early

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