
My Life Changing Event : My Most Life Changing Event

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Life changing event

My most life changing event is when i had a tumor. It was discovered when i was 2 I was being baby sitted by my aunt and she noticed that my leg was starting to get and egg shape on it. She called my mom and we had to go to the hospital we waited a few day after the x-rays and we came back all I remember is getting ready for an M.R.I and I remember the machine it was very big and white and I remember the lasers going over my body. Then I remember being prepped for surgery and we went into the room and I was prepped and I had to lie on the surgery bed the the put needles in my arms and then they added the anesthesia. I was asleep for about 2 hours then I woke up after the surgery. We worked everything out and went home and we had to be very careful.a

I had to learn to walk again and it was very hard to do but I did do it after a few months i was back to walking like normal. But during The “therapy” I really had to work hard to get back on my feet. For the first week i was allowed to let the pain from having my leg cut open. We worked with me and it stung to have the antibiotics and the stitches hurt. After a week i got the stitches out which hurt alot. After that first week tho i was forced to get back to walking. The first thing we did was stretch my legs which kind of hurt but then i got used to it.

The third Week we started to get me crawling by that time my scar was healed over so it didn't hurt. It kind of had a sting to crawling but I quickly

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